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I mean, yes you are correct. But somehow i am thinking of more game to game type of thing. All the things you said seem like they should be done and talked before the campaing even starts and somehow i dont see that as elevating it to the next level but more of an essential type of thing.
I had a talk with a group i was dm-ing and one person played a murder hobo, one was deeply unintersted in everything around them (but they claim they had fun) and 2 were taking it seriously (where one was evil and the other was good) Now the problem is that the first 2 kinda fucked over the other 2 (they got punished in game and i even told them outside of the game that that type of behaviour will lead into trouble if they continue), and as such this more seems like a requirment then oh look i have now maps which are neat and the immersion gets deeper or oh i play music so u can feel the vibe and tensity.
I was a murder hobo first time I played Dungeons&Dragons. I carry that shame everywhere.