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I play this on and off. Had a subscription at some point but I find it pretty pricey x_x I plan on playing again when I'm back home, so if anyone wants to add me, let me know! I will send daily candy, and if I don't, just come kick me here I missed a few events unfortunately and I really need to get back into it
I played the game for a while as I found it pretty funny that it tracked my sleep (dunno how accurate it was, but according to it I slept 8 hours consistently!). However I thought it was too much of a toll on my phone to have it on for the entire night, it would regularly run very hot. I also found it unfortunate that the day loop of the game was the typical mobile game stuff - constant checking and minmaxxing.
After I got a shiny Jigglypuff which I named Spitfire, I felt I could step away from the game.
See, that's why I got the Pokemon Go Plus Plus Because it was making my phone shit itself. I forgot to bring it with me on holiday, but yeah, I always used that thing. I put it in a small container so that I can't accidentally push the button at night to turn it off