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Because we have one for video games as well, I figured we could have one for writing too! Shamelessly stealing the idea here.
1 February 2025:
I didn't write yesterday, so today I will force myself to sit down and write at least 500 words. We'll see how that goes, but that shouldn't be too hard, considering I'm not actually having writer's block.
4 February 2025
I was thinking I'd write on the plane, but no, that did not happen. I slept the majority of the time (except for the part where I ate horrible food and got a migraine right before the second flight) so yeah, no writing. But I have high hopes for tomorrow!
7 Feb 2025
I have a new fic idea, but I can't figure out how to write it. It's fun and silly, ultimate crack taken seriously (with a bit of MCD at the end, to spice things up, you know) and I want to write it We'll see. I also need to figure out my fic organisation system for my new computer, which is coming in a week, so I'm tinkering with Scrivener again.